• Bangladesh: The Toils of the Garment Industry

    Exploitation is not a viable business model.

The stories include cases of sexual harassment, physical and verbal abuse, wage theft, and exploitation in the garment industry across Bangladesh. Workers were denied basic human rights and hostile working environments contributed to the ongoing abuse.

Hostility and rampant sexual harassment foster an unacceptable working environment. This campaign calls on lawmakers to create legal safeguards to protect workers from exploitation in the workplace. Legislation that would hold corporations accountable for violations of human rights occurring throughout their value chains would provide workers in Bangladesh’s garment industry and their allies the opportunity to hold corporations accountable.

The World of Fast Fashion: Stories from Bangladesh

  • Protect Women: Stories Sexual Harassment in the garment industry
  • A Hostile Place: Stories of Abuse in the garment industry
  • Pay Up: Stories of Wage Theft in the garment industry

Protect Women: Stories Sexual Harassment in the garment industry

In the Bangladeshi garment factories, 80% of workers have experienced or witnessed sexual violence and harassment at work. Read our post to learn more about the supply chain operations where female employees face rampant sexual harrassment working in factories in Bangladesh’s garment industry.

A Hostile Place: Stories of Abuse in the garment industry

The world of fast fashion is notorious for its hostile work environment where many workers are verbally and physically abused for not meeting their daily quotas. Read more to learn about the abuses taking place in Bangladesh's garment industry.

Pay Up: Stories of Wage Theft in the garment industry

Wage theft and worker exploitation is more common than we think. Here are the stories of workers waiting to get paid explaining how employers in the garment industry tend to at times not comply with wage requirements.

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