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Become a Member
ICAR members want government to be responsible stewards of the public interest, with the independence and resources to hold corporations accountable for their actions. We want democracies that thrive on the inputs of lots of voices rather than lots of money and make their decisions in service of a sustainable future rather than narrow personal gains. We want fundamental human rights to be treated, protected, and remedied as such.
The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable works to uphold these ideals through our work to ensure reasonable safeguards against corporate abuse, protect those who speak out against corporate abuse, and combat the rise of the corporate state. We’re proud to stand on the side of iconic organizations who have built their credibility on telling the truth, righting injustice, and crafting solutions to problems often considered either too big or too distant to matter.
Why Become an ICAR Member?
Becoming an ICAR member will provide your organization:
- Access to a global network of progressive civil society organizations across varied issue areas with a common mission to fight corporate abuse of people and the planet
- Opportunities to collaborate on advocacy strategies and exchange expertise on a wide variety of issue areas related to corporate accountability
- Regular updates from ICAR and its members on developments in the corporate accountability space, including legal and policy developments across multiple jurisdictions and the work of other members
- Participation in a global listserv to share reports, advocacy efforts, corporate accountability jobs, and ask for input from other like-minded organization across varied areas of expertise, including a broad ICAR listserv with both ICAR members and non-members as well as a closed members-only listserv
- Invitations to events hosted by ICAR, such as the ICAR Conversation Series which hosts regular meetings related to emerging issues in the space, and the ICAR Lunch and Learn Series, which is an informal interview-style call where members are asked about their priorities for the year and their ongoing work
If you are interested in becoming a member, you can read more about our membership criteria and download our application form here. There are no dues associated with being a member. To apply for membership, email the completed application form to info@icar.ngo, with jacqueline@icar.ngo in cc.